Order Oil Painting Replica Portrait of a Young Ma, 1485 by Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519, Italy)

38.4 " 
Order Oil Painting Replica Portrait of a Young Ma, 1485 by Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519, Italy) | ArtsDot.com
27 "




A wooden frame that measures 7cm wide and 5cm thick. This classic dark-toned frame exudes a timeless charm that enhances and complements a wide range of artwork. Its solid wood construction not only ensures durability, but also adds a touch of natural warmth to the artwork. This frame works particularly well for classical and traditional paintings, making it an excellent choice for artworks from the Renaissance to the Baroque. Its rich colors pair perfectly with artwork that has deep hues and dramatic contrasts, providing a majestic and refined frame to showcase the beauty of your favorite reproduction painting.
A wooden frame that measures 7cm wide and 5cm thick. This classic dark-toned frame exudes a timeless charm that enhances and complements a wide range of artwork. Its solid wood construction not only ensures durability, but also adds a touch of natural warmth to the artwork. This frame works particularly well for classical and traditional paintings, making it an excellent choice for artworks from the Renaissance to the Baroque. Its rich colors pair perfectly with artwork that has deep hues and dramatic contrasts, providing a majestic and refined frame to showcase the beauty of your favorite reproduction painting.

Total: 754 USD

Portrait of a Musician is an oil on wood painting attributed to Leonardo Da Vinci by some scholars. The man in the painting was at one time thought to be Franchino Gaffurio, who was the maestro di cappella of the Milanese Cathedral. Although some believe it to be a portrait of Gaffurio, others think the man is anonymous. The piece of paper he holds is at least one part of a musical score; it has notes written on it. The painting was greatly restored and repainted, and Leonardo probably left the portrait unfinished but close to completion. The man is positioned in a three-quarter position and he is holding a partition sheet. The musician stares at something outside the spectator's field of vision. Compared to the detailed face of the musician, the red hat, his tunic and his hair seem to be painted by a completely other painter. Art historians have recognized the fine art of da Vinci in the young man's face, though the partition sheet and his hand may have been added on to the original work. The principal difference between this work and his last portrait, of Ginevra De' Benci, is the fact that in this one, the hands and the lower part of the chest are drawn.Now in the collection of Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Milan.
Order Oil Painting Replica Portrait of a Young Ma, 1485 by Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519, Italy) | ArtsDot.com


  • Oil Painting
  • OilPainting [{M-5ZKCXG}]
  • Discount(MHZKF10)
  • NamePlate
  • FRAME(W500HY)
  • Linen
  • Dim(27 x 38.4 inch (68.5 x 97.5 cm))
  • Discount of -32 USD on the painting
  • Worldwide DHL/Fedex Shipping
  • Quality nameplate for your Painting
  • With insurance of refund 100% of all eventual fees including customs taxes

  • Total:754 USD

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Leonardo Da Vinci

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