Order Oil Painting Replica Nude Descending a Staircase, No.2, 1912 by Marcel Duchamp (Inspired By) (1887-1968, France)

38.3 " 
Order Oil Painting Replica Nude Descending a Staircase, No.2, 1912 by Marcel Duchamp (Inspired By) (1887-1968, France) | ArtsDot.com
23 "




The frame is made of high-quality plastic (PS) that exudes a modern essence with its smooth black finish, 5cm wide and 3cm thick. Its sharp, refined lines make it an ideal choice for contemporary art, especially complementing abstract works, minimalist styles or monochrome paintings . The textured frame is compatible with contemporary art or any artwork that makes a bold, outspoken statement. It is versatile enough to accommodate different sizes and can create complex contrast against bright colors or enhance the depth of dark tones. Designed to blend the past and the present, this frame is suitable for both classical and contemporary art forms.
The frame is made of high-quality plastic (PS) that exudes a modern essence with its smooth black finish, 5cm wide and 3cm thick. Its sharp, refined lines make it an ideal choice for contemporary art, especially complementing abstract works, minimalist styles or monochrome paintings . The textured frame is compatible with contemporary art or any artwork that makes a bold, outspoken statement. It is versatile enough to accommodate different sizes and can create complex contrast against bright colors or enhance the depth of dark tones. Designed to blend the past and the present, this frame is suitable for both classical and contemporary art forms.

Total: 577 USD

Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 (French: Nu descendant un escalier n° 2) is a 1912 painting by Marcel Duchamp. The work is widely regarded as a Modernist classic and has become one of the most famous of its time. In its first presentation at the ParisianSalon des Indépendants, it was rejected by the Cubists and caused a huge stir during its exhibition at the 1913 Armory Show in New York. The work is now found in permanent exhibition at the Louis and Walter Arensberg Collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art in Philadelphia. The work, an oil painting on canvas with dimensions of 147 cm × 89.2 cm (57.9 in × 35.1 in) in portrait, seemingly depicts a figure demonstrating an abstract movement in its ochres and browns. The discernable "body parts" of the figure are composed of nested, conical andcylindrical abstract elements, assembled together in such a way as to suggest rhythm and convey the movement of the figure merging into itself. Dark outlines limit the contours of the body while serving as motion lines that emphasize the dynamics of the moving figure, while the accented arcs of the dotted lines seem to suggest a thrusting pelvic motion. The movement seems to be rotated counterclockwise from the upper left to the lower right corner to move, where the gradient of the apparently frozen sequence corresponding to the bottom right to top left dark, respectively, becomes more transparent, the fading of which is apparently intended to simulate the "older" section. At the edges of the picture, the steps which are indicated in darker colors. The middle of the image is an amalgam of light and dark, that becomes more piqued as one approaches the edges. The overall warm, monochrome bright palette of the painting ranges from yellow ocher, to dark, almost black tones. The colors are translucent applied. At the bottom left of the painting Duchamp placed as title, "NU DESCENDANT UN ESCALIER" in block letters, which may or may not be related to the work, as the question of whether the figure represents a human body remains open; the figure viewers infer gives little clue to its age, individuality, character, or sex.
Order Oil Painting Replica Nude Descending a Staircase, No.2, 1912 by Marcel Duchamp (Inspired By) (1887-1968, France) | ArtsDot.com


  • Oil Painting (Inspired By)
  • OilPainting [{M-8XYHEB}]
  • Discount(HVTHR15)
  • NamePlate
  • FRAME(P118H)
  • Linen
  • Dim(23 x 38.3 inch (58.5 x 97.25 cm))
  • Discount of -44 USD on the painting
  • Worldwide DHL/Fedex Shipping
  • Quality nameplate for your Painting
  • With insurance of refund 100% of all eventual fees including customs taxes

  • Total:577 USD

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