A Masterpiece of Art Nouveau
Gustav Klimt's
Poppy Field, painted in 1907, is a stunning example of the Art Nouveau style. This modern period painting features vibrant colors and intricate patterns that are characteristic of this movement. The polarizing effect of the red-green color opposition creates a dynamic contrast, making the poppies stand out against the blue sky and green grass.
Media and Size
Created with oil on canvas,
Poppy Field measures 110.5 x 110.5 cm (43.5 x 43.5 in). This medium-sized painting is a perfect addition to any art collection, and its size makes it easy to display in various settings.
Poppy Field hangs in the Österreichische Galerie Belvedere in Vienna, Austria. This renowned museum is home to many of Klimt's masterpieces, making it a must-visit destination for art lovers worldwide.
Description and Inspiration
During his stay in Litzlberg on the Attersee in the summer of 1907, Klimt discovered a magnificent poppy-filled meadow which he captured in this painting. The vibrant red poppies create a striking contrast against the green grass and blue sky, showcasing Klimt's mastery of color and composition.
Discover More Gustav Klimt Masterpieces
ArtsDot.com, you can explore more of Gustav Klimt's masterpieces, including handmade oil paintings reproductions and print on canvas. Our extensive collection features various styles and periods, allowing you to find the perfect piece for your art collection.
Experience the Magic of Art Nouveau
Art Nouveau is a fascinating movement that has inspired countless artists, including Gustav Klimt. At
ArtsDot.com, you can discover more about this style and its impact on modern art. Our collection features various Art Nouveau masterpieces, allowing you to experience the magic of this movement in your own home.
Order Your Own Handmade Oil Painting Reproduction or Print on Canvas Today
ArtsDot.com, we offer high-quality handmade oil painting reproductions and print on canvas of famous artwork. Our team of expert artists is dedicated to creating stunning replicas that capture the essence of the original piece. Order your own
Poppy Field handmade oil painting reproduction or print on canvas today and bring this masterpiece to life in your home.